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Je CSinvesting len ďalšou z radu rôznych platforiem, alebo sa v niečom líšia?

CSinvesting, na rozdiel od mnohých iných maklérov a investičných platforiem, pôsobí na celom svete od roku 2010. Áno, vieme, že existujú spoločnosti, ktoré existujú už viac ako 40 rokov, ale väčšina týchto spoločností existuje naozaj len niekoľko rokov.

Objavte inovatívnu investičnú platformu CSInvesting

Investovanie sa stáva čoraz dôležitejšou súčasťou nášho finančného života. Či už sa chcete zabezpečiť na dôchodok, zvýšiť svoje úspory alebo si len vytvoriť finančnú rezervu do budúcnosti, správne investičné rozhodnutia vám môžu priniesť významné výhody.

Do čoho teda investovať?

Many of you today do not want to leave your money in banks with low or no interest. So what to invest in? Corporate bonds seem like a good choice – fixed interest, contract, various promissory notes and the like. Unfortunately, more and more often we are seeing companies disappear, owners disappear and the state is the creditor, then the client… if there is anything to go on. What next?

Risk disclaimer: CSInvesting ( is a product of Hedge Wise (PTY) LTD. CFDs (contracts for difference) are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. There is a high risk that you may lose all of your funds. We advise you to consider whether trading leveraged products is appropriate for you in light of your own personal circumstances. We recommend that you seek independent financial advice and ensure that you fully understand all risks involved before trading. Trading through an online platform carries additional risks.
Hedge Wise (PTY) LTD is regulated by FSCA (Financial Sector Conduct Authority) and authorized Financial Service Provider with FSP number: 53570 with registered and physical office at Regus Dainfern 1st floor, Dainfern square, Johannesburg, Gauteng, 2055, Johannesburg, Gauteng, 2191, South Africa.
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CSInvesting ( is a product of Hedge Wise (PTY) LTD regulated by FSCA. To proceed, click continue. By clicking „Continue“ you confirm that you read and understood our Terms and Conditions and that you access the website at your own initiative and without any solicitation from Csinvesting.